Saturday, 24 June 2017

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A world class online trading company, selects zavango engage to, comments are starting forex trading academy forex earn from binary option review newsletters pacific stock exchanges binary option trading real or fake 100 bonus You forgot to provide an Email Address. This email address doesnt appear to be valid. You have exceeded the maximum character limit. Please provide a Corporate E-mail Address. By submitting my Email address I confirm that I have read and accepted the Terms of Use and Declaration of Consent. At the end of an SAP ERP implementation project, teams often share lessons learned of what they could do better the next time around. These might include a greater focus on change management or better integration between SAP ERP modules. Master data management, and the role it plays in an implementation projects future success, is one area that is often overlooked when it comes to ERP implementations. Thats a mistake. Overlooking master data during project planning and implementation can lead to problems down the road. Taking advantage of SAP master data templates is an important part of developing that master data management strategy. Master data templates are Excel files that business process owners fill out they are then uploaded into the SAP ERP system to ensure greater master data consistency throughout the ERP system, rather than adding master data terms in an ad-hoc fashion, which leads to inconsistencies and errors. The templates also include instructions and guidelines on how to complete the templates themselves. Filling in correct and comprehensive master data in these templates is a massive exercise. It involves cleansing data, or filling in missing data that is required in SAP ERP, such as payment terms for customers, planned delivery times of vendors or reordering procurement level of a material. Regardless of the fact that a project is a new SAP ERP implementation (including a greenfield project) or an upgrade, process owners have to go through the rigorous process of filling in master data templates for their eventual availability in SAP ERP system. SAP implementation consultants can conduct master data templates workshops, but these are typically held at later stages of the SAP ERP implementation. This leaves insufficient time for process owners to fill up the master data templates completely and correctly. In their rush to submit the master data templates to meet projects stringent deadlines, process owners often either submit incomplete or incorrect information. This leads to chaos immediately after the SAP ERP go-live, resulting in the business having to slow or even halt business functions. The problems caused by incomplete or incorrect master data may range from delays in processing a customers new sales order to communication of an incorrect delivery date to customers, due to. To ensure the business process owners have enough time to complete the templates, templates should be completed instead in two different phases of the project. The first phase is during the very initial stage of SAP ERP implementation, known as the project preparation phase. Addressing master data templates early, during project preparation, gives business process owners enough time to extract, cleanse and consolidate data from their existing or legacy system, and enter that data into the templates. A second, follow-up, round at the end of business blueprint phase focuses on objects such as company code, plant, sales organization or sales offices, which may not previously have been finalized. Focusing on master data templates twice during the SAP ERP implementation ensures much more focused and dedicated efforts are put in place and that only the clean, consolidated and comprehensive master data is eventually available in SAP ERP system. About the author: Jawad Akhtar is the author of the SAP PRESS book Production Planning and Control with SAP ERP. He is the head of SAP delivery in AbacusConsulting, where he focuses on logistics and SCM issues. Number of items at this level: 322 . Abdel Aal Mahmoud, Ashraf (2010): FDI and Local Financial Market Development:A Granger Causality Test Using Panel Data. Abounoori, Abbas Ali and Naderi, Esmaeil and Gandali Alikhani, Nadiya and Amiri, Ashkan (2013): Financial Time Series Forecasting by Developing a Hybrid Intelligent System. Published in: European Journal of Scientific Research. Vol. 98, No. 4 (4. March 2013): pp. 10-20. 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Dear reader, please upgrade to the latest version of IE to have a better reading experience Home Latest Popular Pakistan Todays Paper Opinion World Sport Business Magazines Culture Blogs Tech Multimedia Archive In Depth Anwar Iqbal mdash Updated Mar 05, 2016 08:39am WASHINGTON: If elected to the White House, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump would keep US troops in Afghanistan to protect Pakistans nuclear arsenal. I think you have to stay in Afghanistan for a while, because of the fact that you are right next to Pakistan, which has nuclear weapons and we have to protect that, said Mr Trump while responding to a question during Thursday nights Republican presidential debate. Mr Trump is an outsider who blitzkrieged into the 2016 Republican presidential campaign and propelled himself into the first position by capturing the highest number of delegates in early primaries. He is particularly popular among conservative Republicans and in rural America, where 70 per cent white voters live. Nuclear weapons change the game, said the billionaire campaigner while explaining why Pakistans nuclear arsenal necessitated continued US military presence in Afghanistan. Last year, Mr Trump suggested involving India in efforts to denuclearise Pakistan. You have to get India involved. Indias the check to Pakistan, he said in a radio address in September. They (India) have their own nukes and have a very powerful army. They seem to be the real check. I think we have to deal very closely with India to deal with it (Pakistan), he added. Mr Trumps suggestion to keep US troops in Afghanistan was one of the few serious references to foreign policy issues at the presidential debate. Most US media outlets described the debate in Detroit, Michigan, as a two-hour long shouting match with no substance. The prestigious New Yorker magazine ran its report on the debate with the headline: Donald Trump and an even cruder Republican debate. One clear loser in Thursdays debate: the Grand Old (Republican) Party, The Washington Post reported. The post noted that following his big wins in Super Tuesday primaries, this might have been the night when Trump could safely shift into statesman mode. But he lost the opportunity. Last week, former CIA director Michael Hayden said in an interview to a US media outlet that the American military would refuse to obey Mr Trump if he gets elected and orders them to torture prisoners or kill the families of terrorists. At the debate, a moderator, Bret Baier, asked Mr Trump to comment on Gen Haydens statement. Mr Trump rejected the suggestion that the US military would defy their president. But theyre illegal, Mr Baier reminded him. Let me just tell you, look at the Middle East. Theyre chopping off heads, Mr Trump said. I said its fine And if we want to go stronger, Id go stronger, too, said Mr Trump, while defending his earlier statement that he would allow waterboarding to coerce information from suspected terrorists. The remarks earned him a wild applause from the audience. What would these animals over in the Middle East, that chopped off heads think of a hesitation to commit war crimes Mr Trump asked. We should go for waterboarding and we should go tougher than waterboarding. Published in Dawn, March 5th, 2016 DAWNVIDEO - 1029551DAWN-RM-1x1 Comments (184) Closed maleeha Mar 05, 2016 08:35am when the developing and third world countries will understand game played by developed countries. They are developed because they are letting you dance on their signals. Imperialist Designs we have much potential and we have been limited because social construction theory that we are backward. Our talent is incomparable to the worlds talent. Abdulla Hussain Mar 05, 2016 08:35am After using Muslim card, Trump is now using Pakistan nuclear card to woo voters to elect him. This is just another election gimmick, Trump understands well how far he can stretch. He wants to bring in India to get messed up. He will not succeed. Throwing teasers towards Pakistan will make it more strong amp prepared for all eventualities. The world has quite changed now. Pakistan should pay full attention to develop its relationship with Russia. Abbas Naqvi Mar 05, 2016 11:41am Pakistan is a responsible nuclear state capable of protecting and safeguarding its strategic asset. US has already faced military defeat in Afghanistan and was forced to pull out its troops from that country. Mr. Trump should learn from history. As for engaging India to deal with Pakistan, Washington had better play its role in a constructive and positive manner and ask New Delhi to enter into peace talks with Islamabad to reduce tensions in the region. The US should also put pressure on India to resolve the Kashmir dispute in line with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people. If peace and security is established in South Asia, the trans-regional powers interferences can come to an end. aslam shaikh Mar 05, 2016 11:51am UN should send their peacekeeping forces to Canada and Mexico to keep a check on US which has the largest stockpile of Atomic bombs and who has used it twice on civilian population. sk Mar 05, 2016 12:31pm Trump reflects US mentality of using one country against other to safeguard their selfish interest. Although he favors India, it is not in the interest of region or either country to be as pawn of US games who is more interested in selling their outdated defense equipment. India has realized amp now bargaining with Americans using current surge in economic front but not inclining towards defense alliances which are more particularly against China. Indian Wolfie Mar 05, 2016 12:37pm why should India check Pakistan India is busy checking China thats is the main concern for India. Atul Mar 05, 2016 12:37pm It will be interesting to see how the world will shape up if Trump wins American president election. SLDUA Mar 05, 2016 12:41pm Zak Please, define what is a blackmail Hindutavi Rakshas Mar 05, 2016 12:49pm Indian Mar 05, 2016 12:50pm Go Trump go You are on right track. Best of luck :) Azaad Mar 05, 2016 12:53pm Kamal HAHAHHA Brilliant Yeah, why should we have all the fun Sadly, I dont think he will be able to beat Hillary as most Americans will Dump Trump in a presidential election. ravi vacouver Mar 06, 2016 10:19am Enough of games in Asia, Pakistan and India has been fooled to fight against each other, terrorism bogey is used long enough to suppress Pakistan and Afghanistan. India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh should work together, settle differences, increase trade and economic participation. All if joined together will be strong economic bloc and America shall loose its influence in this area. Bin Adam Mar 06, 2016 11:13am Mr. Trump being misled by anti Muslim lobby. The Muslims and non-Muslims equally appreciate Mr. Trumps bold statement that had Saddam and Gaddafi secular govts been not toppled down on false allegations Middle East and the world been much better and safer today. The Syrian and Yemen debacle would have never taken place. The whole region been not facing the evils of so many terrorists groups who were not existing during the rule of Saddam and Gaddafi. The millions of non-stop immigrants crisis would have never existed which has caused serious problems for Europe and many other Countries of the region. To deport 11, 10 or whatsoever millions of hard working non-documented Hispanics hence forcefully separating millions of children from their parents and parents from their children living peacefully together for decades, from spiritual analysis it will be like waging a War with the Almighty God. Many senior Republican and Democrat leaders understand this fact. God bless USA. Zak Mar 06, 2016 12:33pm raj perhaps in India, but not Pakistan. Pakistani campaigns are unpleasant against other political parties, but never against threats of war against any other country. Prakash Mar 06, 2016 01:28pm We Indians want to be five trillion dollar economy by 2022, when we celebrate 75 years of our independence. Road map is also drawn to achieve this goal, every single Indian will remain focused on this goal in next seven years. No country on the face of the planet can dictate India what to do. Protecting some ones nukes and protecting sea trade routes in south China sea is American headache and not Indian. America cannot drag India into anything which is irrelevant to India. Striker Mar 06, 2016 01:36pm May God save America amp the World from Trump. With him becoming a President one can expect more unstability around the world. Sarah Mar 07, 2016 12:04pm Mr Trump Pakistan and its Armed Forces are doing the said job since more than a decade and it is capable enough to do it in future as well. Worry about your forces and their security in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. Herbal medicines in urdu pdf - Review Herbal Health Supplements All the links and descriptions on this page are taken from public sources such as search engines (google, yahoo, bing). However, if you think any data on this page violates your copyright, please send an message from quotContact Usquot page and the links and descriptions of full page will be removed. April 2, 2015. 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